Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Ask Any One

i dont know what to ask for anymore. how can i.
can i ask for your love. because. i love you.
it would make me happy. because. it is good to love.
good for you. good for me. but why me.

can you. because. i have given so much to you.
and in time am willing to give my life.
love me. because. we have been together for so long.
in time. so much of me has started to become so much of you.

can i ask. because we can be together. for your love.
when there is nothing that means something anymore.
when the sun is about to set forever. it wont set. for our love.

i ask for you. because. there is nothing else that i can care for.
for. its the spirit that animates this body of mine. in suspension.

i ask you for your love. can i. because you are the only one who can.
make a prince out of this frog. can you.

can i ask you for your love. because i cant ask me.
or someone else. because i cant ask you.

can i ask me. for your love. because.
it is me that is to be loved.

i dont know what to ask for anymore.


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